This is a tutorial about how to create World of Jade Dynasty Chinese server account without a Chinese phone number. Hope this guidance will be helpful for foreign players who want to play World of Jade Dynasty Chinese server that they can create World of Jade Dynasty Chinese account with foreign phone number.
Step 1. Visit Perfect World Chinese Official registration site to get started
Step 2. Tap “海外手机号注册” (Foreign Phone Number Registration)as photo below.
Step 3. Choose your country code.
Step 4. Input your phone number and password (6 – 16 digits). Please do remember the password, then buy verify your Perfect World WOJD account to ask us to login your account to verify ID.
Step 5: Pass the verification, drag the button to complete puzzle.
Step 6. Tap the button to get code, and input the code you received. Please note some countries’ phone number can’t accept code. Hence, those players can only buy World of Jade Dynasty Chinese account.